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People unable to join when ran through ASADM

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I am releasing a next version to integrate more logs at this level and try to understand your problem

Chief Bodo has reacted to this post.
Chief Bodo
Quote from Administrator on 03/06/2024, 10:56 AM

Hello, very strange, I don't have a problem in my development environment, it's very strange

Can you try running the manager as administrator?

Yeah I got it set to always run as Admin, Sorry should have mentioned,

I'll try making a new profile to see if that makes a difference

Please update to the last version and try
- Added a button that will allow you to automatically add your mod configurations in GameUserSettings.ini
- Better error handling in case of missing port, warn the user and try to report and find the error
- Improvement of the server startup code
- Display of duplicate RCON port dialog box corrected because displayed too early

Thank you for your help in solving this problem.

Quote from Administrator on 03/06/2024, 12:32 PM

Please update to the last version and try
- Added a button that will allow you to automatically add your mod configurations in GameUserSettings.ini
- Better error handling in case of missing port, warn the user and try to report and find the error
- Improvement of the server startup code
- Display of duplicate RCON port dialog box corrected because displayed too early

Thank you for your help in solving this problem.

With the new update I am getting the a Config Error (attached)

I have checked the .ini and MaxPlayers is listed inside (Fixed)

The MaxPlayers has to be under [SessionSettings] in the .ini


Okay so after checking out the GameUserSettings I think I found the issue

Due to me having a existing .ini file the Manager wasn't able to place the details where it wanted them

The Manager places the Query Port + Port under [SessionSettings] whereas my original .ini has them under [ServerSettings]
Once I moved these ports to [SessionSettings] they displayed in the startup command (Will test having a friend join soon)
With the RCON Port - This has to be in [ServerSettings]

This should help anyone importing an existing server to the manager

Uploaded files:
  • Config-Error.png

Glad you found the problem yes all this must be placed in [SessionSettings] see the official wiki


The following options must come under the [SessionSettings] section of GameUserSettings.ini.

 ASA  ASE Variable Description CMD Since patch
Missing.png Check mark.svg MultiHome Default value: N/A
Value type: IP_ADDRESS
Specifies MultiHome IP Address. Boolean Multihome option must be set to True as well (command line or [MultiHome] section). Leave it empty if not using multihoming. Can be specified in command line too.
Check mark.svg Missing.png
Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Port Default value: 7777
Value type: integer
Specifies the UDP Game Port. See Dedicated server setup
Check mark.svg Missing.png
Missing.png Check mark.svg QueryPort Default value: 27015
Value type: integer
Specifies the UDP Steam Query Port. See Dedicated server setup
Check mark.svg Missing.png
Check mark.svg Check mark.svg SessionName Default value: ARK #123456
Value type: string
Specifies the Server name advertised in the Game Server Browser as well in Steam Server browser. If no name is provide, the default name will be ARK # followed by a random 6 digit number. Note: Name must not be typed between quotes unless it is launched from command line.
Check mark.svg Missing.png

Note an important point:
The manager loads the ini that you give it !
This allows great flexibility and allows you to load your own parameters but if you make a mistake it will introduce errors

Basically a bit of stupidness on my side haha,

People are able to join now as well with no errors when ran through the Manager.

Thank you for your time with this one

Administrator has reacted to this post.

With pleasure, have fun 😉

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Chief Bodo
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