ASA Dedicated Manager - Release Notes

Latest release notes: - Released on October 14, 2024, 3:37 pm


New Features:

  • API Update:
    • Transitioned from using the API to ASADedicatedManager's own dedicated API, offering greater reliability, control, and improved performance for managing updates and server interactions.
  • Discord Bot Enhancements:
    • Implemented a system for the Discord bot to edit existing server status messages instead of posting new ones each time there is a status update. This change reduces message spam in the channel and keeps the information concise and organized.
  • Improved Message Display Logic:
    • Added logic to ensure that message boxes are always displayed correctly, even when no owner window is set or visible.
    • Implemented Topmost = true and WindowStartupLocation = CenterScreen to guarantee that message boxes are always visible to the user.
  • Player Warning Option:
    • Added an option to disable player warnings before server updates by selecting "0 minutes" in the settings.
  • Scheduled Reboot Warning System:
    • Implemented a scheduled reboot warning system with customizable countdown options, allowing better control over server maintenance alerts.
  • Redesigned Server Management Tab:
    • All options in the Server Management tab can now work together.
    • Start, stop, and update processes are coordinated to avoid overlap, ensuring smooth execution.
    • Logs messages are displayed when the server is already starting, stopping, or updating.
    • Removed stop or kill confirmation boxes; messages are now displayed in the logs.


  • Manifest Check Process:
    • Added a User-Agent header to API requests to simulate browser behavior and reduce the chance of being blocked.
    • Removed unnecessary checks for encryptedmanifests to streamline the manifest validation process.
    • Implemented a random delay (up to 6 seconds) before starting the manifest check to stagger multiple checks and avoid simultaneous executions.
    • Improved the logic to properly disable and re-enable the check button based on the check's status.
    • Moved the await Checkmanifest() call to the final finally block to ensure that status changes to UpdateStatusLabel happen after the update is completed.
    • Added a new flag shouldRetryUpdate to handle scenarios where the update process needs to restart automatically if specific errors are encountered during the process.
  • UI Enhancements:
    • Improved status messaging during the manifest check to provide clearer feedback on the process.
    • Polished the interface of the Server Management tab for a more intuitive user experience.
    • Improved messaging during server updates to provide clearer information to users about the update process.
    • Refined user messages for server shutdowns and reboots to make the process more transparent and easier to understand.
    • Enhanced display of the next update check interval to accurately reflect the time selected by the user.
    • Prevented changes to UpdateStatusLabel.Content during the entire update process, ensuring it remains as "Updating" until fully completed.
    • Added new status messages for better clarity during operations:
      • Updating: Displays as "Update in progress."
      • Checkingupdate: Displays as "Checking..."
      • Checkupdatefailed: Displays as "Failed check logs."
    • Implemented translations for these status messages to support multi-language users.
  • Stability Enhancements:
    • Optimized overall application performance to improve stability and responsiveness.
    • Reduced instances of freezes, leading to a smoother user experience.
    • Improved the overall stability of the backup process by ensuring the manager handles file access conflicts more gracefully.
  • Backup Process Enhancements:
    • Increased the delay for saving profiles from 3 seconds to 20 seconds after player connection or disconnection to allow the game sufficient time to release file access.
    • Implemented 4 retry attempts with a 5-second interval between each attempt when creating the ZIP file, to ensure that the .arkprofile file is fully accessible before compressing.
    • These changes aim to reduce the occurrence of empty ZIP files caused by the game still accessing the profile file during the backup process.
  • Automatic Update Process:
    • Enhanced the ability to cancel automatic updates during the player warning stage. Once the server starts shutting down, the update process cannot be canceled.
    • Automatic server updates are now correctly triggered when the auto-update option is enabled and an update is available.
    • Added a mechanism to automatically delete the appmanifest_2430930.acf file and restart the update process if a specific error (Error! App '2430930' state is 0x486) is encountered during the update.
  • Concurrency Control:
    • Added a mechanism to prevent simultaneous execution of multiple manifest checks, ensuring that only one check can run at a time.
    • Implemented flags (isUpdateInProgress and isChekingInProgress) to lock UpdateStatusLabel during the PerformUpdateAsync process to prevent modification by other methods during the update.
    • Removed the use of semaphores for synchronization in favor of using flags.
    • Improved code clarity and maintainability by simplifying concurrency control logic.
  • API Call Optimization:
    • Update checks are no longer triggered every time a profile tab is clicked, reducing unnecessary API calls and improving performance.
  • API Request Delays and Retry Logic:
    • Added a delay of 11 seconds between retry attempts when the API call fails or when required data is missing, to reduce server load and improve stability.
    • Configured the API request to retry up to 3 times (maxRetries = 3) in case of failure, to ensure robustness in handling transient errors.
  • Event Handling Optimization:
    • Refactored the event handling logic by directly subscribing to the Click event of the OK button instead of using the WeakEventManager.
    • Simplified event detachment to prevent memory leaks and ensure more efficient event management.
  • User Feedback Improvements:
    • Added informative messages to alert users when a manifest check or update is skipped because another process is already in progress.
    • Ensured that all important status updates related to the manifest check process are clearly communicated in the UI.
    • Error messages are now clearer when there is an issue during the update check, providing better understanding.
  • Translation Updates:
    • Updated translations for scheduled reboot messages to provide more detailed context and improve clarity for users.

      Bug Fixes:

  • Manifest Verification:
    • Resolved issues causing incorrect handling of API response data during manifest verification.
    • Fixed a problem where the manifest check process would get stuck if certain conditions were not met.
    • Resolved the "Missing 'gid' in the API response" error by adjusting the data path in the API response JSON.
    • Added additional checks to handle cases where certain sections of the JSON response are missing, improving code robustness.
  • Update Process:
    • Fixed a logic error where the isChekingInProgress flag was not properly reset, causing subsequent checks to be blocked unintentionally.
    • Fixed a bug that caused CheckUpdate.IsEnabled to not re-enable properly after an error was thrown during the manifest check.
    • Removed redundant finally block to ensure proper code execution and cleanup after the update process.
    • Corrected the implementation of the Dispatcher.Invoke method to ensure all UI updates are properly executed on the main thread, preventing interface lockups.
    • Automatic updates are now correctly triggered when the auto-update option is enabled and an update is available.
  • Information Messages:
    • Fixed an issue that prevented certain information messages from being displayed.
    • Important notifications now display correctly, ensuring users receive all relevant alerts.
    • Resolved an issue where users received an error and were blocked when trying to display a message box without a visible owner window.
    • Fixed problems with message box visibility by ensuring that important messages are always displayed on top of other windows.
  • Backup Process:
    • Addressed an issue where ZIP files were created empty or without the .arkprofile file due to the file being locked by the game during compression.
  • DestroyWildDinos Method:
    • Fixed the destroywilddinos method; the timer is now saved every 60 seconds. If the manager is restarted, it will correctly resume where it left off.
  • Update Check Interval:
    • Fixed issue with update check interval: The server update check time was incorrect (set to 1 second instead of the selected value). This has been resolved by ensuring that the interval selected in the list is correctly applied.
    • Enhanced display of the next update check interval: The message now accurately reflects the time selected by the user.

      Other Changes:

  • Code Cleanup:
    • Streamlined the message display logic to reduce unnecessary checks and improve overall code readability and maintainability.
    • Removed redundant checks and unnecessary code in manifest verification.
  • User Experience Enhancements:
    • Improved user experience by ensuring that critical messages are always properly displayed without causing interruptions or errors.
    • Multiple attempts to restart, shut down, or update during an automated process are now prevented, reducing the risk of conflicts or errors.
  • Stability Improvements:
    • Improved the overall stability of the application by handling file access conflicts more gracefully and optimizing performance.
  • Error Handling:
    • Enhanced error handling to ensure that when exceptions occur, the interface correctly reflects the error state and resets UI elements.
    • Updated error messages to provide more user-friendly feedback when an issue is encountered during the manifest check or update process.
  • Credits:
    • Added new contributors. FINAL-RELEASE - Released on October 6, 2024, 12:25 pm


  • Added automatic log management: Limit logs to 500 lines in the RichTextBox. The oldest lines are automatically deleted when the limit is reached.
  • Performance maintenance: Improved performance by avoiding excessive accumulation of logs in the interface. FINAL-RELEASE - Released on October 6, 2024, 12:24 pm


  • New Features:
    • Discord Bot Overhaul:
      • Complete review of the Discord Bot.
      • Modified logging methods to improve performance and fix various crashes.
      • Added live server status updates in dedicated channel.
      • Added a new Discord Channel ID field in the Discord window (this field is mandatory to specify where to send server status messages).
      • Added new commands:
        • !saveworld <ProfileName> to save a specific profile.
        • !fullbackup <ProfileName> to perform a full backup with a zip for a specific profile.
    • Added PerLevelStatsMultiplier feature.
    • Added automatic calculation of DinoWild for PerLevelStatsMultiplier.
    • Started implementation of logs for a full logs system in the future (New log tab).
      • Added a button to clear logs
    • Added new options for RCON messages:
      • Since Broadcast does not work via RCON and has not been fixed by Wildcard, added support for Pelayori's Advanced Messages Ascended 1.2 plugin (in API tab).
      • Added proposal to install srdev's UnicodeRCON ASA 1.1 plugin (in API tab).
  • Improvements:
    • Process Management:
      • Improved management of processes that did not exist before activating crash detection to allow the reinitialization of the interface, timers, and all statuses to the correct values.
    • Crash Detection Enhancements:
      • The system now waits for 3 minutes (changed to 30 seconds) before performing the first server check after activation to ensure the server has enough time to fully start and avoid loop restarts if the server crashes upon launch.
      • To detect if the server crashes, server checks now occur every minute (instead of every 5 seconds).
      • The server (PID) is checked 3 times every 15 seconds. For the server to be detected as crashed, 3 PID check failures must be cumulative.
      • Ensured that server checks (PID) do not overlap, making the process more efficient and reducing the risk of errors.
      • Now when crash detection detects a crash, it immediately deactivates before restarting the server to avoid any inappropriate launch.
      • Enhanced logging: all important events and errors are now logged.
      • Added an ellipse to indicate the status of crash detection when monitoring is active; the color is green.
      • Added new status to crash detection (Pending -> Yellow).
    • Save Message Handling:
      • Messages will only be sent if the "Show save message" option is enabled in the settings. If disabled, no messages will be displayed in the chat or via the plugin.
    • PlayerBaseStatMultiplier and PerLevelStatsMultiplier:
      • Modified PlayerBaseStatMultiplier to add all entries to the array instead of one by one.
      • Updated automatic calculation of Output in PlayerBaseStatMultiplier.
      • Removed unused stats in PlayerBaseStatMultiplier (but kept in case of loading from ini).
      • Changed default stats in PlayerBaseStatMultiplier.
      • Added arrow in the datagrid for selection in PlayerBaseStatMultiplier.
      • Moved PerLevelStatsMultiplier to a new tab.
      • Changed maximum datagrid size to unlimited.
      • Full implementation of PerLevelStatsMultiplier.
    • User Interface Improvements:
      • Added Server Management Core to enable tabs to be displayed on large screens.
      • Added automatic collapse of the Server Management Core Expander when clicking on a tab.
      • Added an option in the options menu to enable or disable automatic minimization of the Expander Server Management Core when clicking on a tab.
      • Added ClickUp link to beta download button.
      • Fixed a line of English translation.
    • API and Plugin Integration:
      • Removed character limitation in RCON message sending textbox following the addition of UnicodeRCON plugin support.
      • Full review of how the activation/deactivation of checkboxes in the API tab works.
      • Changed the official API website.
      • Updated the link to ASA plugins.
      • Added API documentation.
      • Changed API installation message to indicate that prerequisites are also installed (Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable Package).
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Fixed an exception that occurred when closing the manager.
    • Fixed a bug in crash detection status.
    • Fixed a bug when using the Cancel Stop button that caused crash detection to be disabled.
    • Fixed bugs in restart methods that could cause multiple consoles to launch in rare cases.
    • Fixed a bug when canceling a shutdown or restart while waiting for a warning that could cause multiple consoles to launch in rare cases.
    • Clicking the kill server button now cancels a scheduled shutdown.
    • Fixed a critical bug generating an application crash if the dedicated server process was null when applying CPU affinity.
    • Crash detection:
      • Fixed a bug when stopping or killing the server, monitoring was not stopped during the monitoring waiting period (yellow status), which caused monitoring to continue despite the stop request.
      • Fixed a critical bug when stopping the server; certain timers and statuses were not reset correctly.
      • Fixed a critical bug when crash detection was triggered; all statuses were not reset, causing duplicate timers and performance issues.
    • Fixed a bug that locked the Game.ini file in CustomOverride and prevented a new save by showing an Access Denied message.
    • Fixed a bug that locked the Game.ini-xxx.bak file because it was copied while the server was running and therefore in read-only mode, causing an Access Denied message.
    • PerLevelStatsMultiplier is now correctly loaded when launching the manager from the ini file.
  • Other Changes:
    • Information:
      • In the API tab, you can now force the code to use the free Pelayori plugin: Advanced Messages Ascended 1.2. This will send notifications as Broadcast and replace the RCON messages currently sent in chat.
      • Please note that you must have configured the API with its database as well as the permission plugin.
      • Common issues: If you are getting error 126 when loading the plugin, you need the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019.
      • Unicode support for messages: Sending messages manually from RCON requires the UnicodeRCON plugin:
      • Official plugin page:
    • Credits:
      • Added new contributors.
    • Validation Team Updates:
      • Added new validation team members: orkid1989, Digby420, Stevie senpai, anarchy0001, Chief Bodo.

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