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VPS making sure ports are open



Is this the correct procedure to make sure TCP and UDP ports are open for INBOUND/OUTBOUND Traffic?
I set up 2 rules for rules in the Windows defender for both TCP and UDP. [examples above]

I am running this on a VPS and admit I am new to all of this. Appreciate any advice or links on how to set this up.

I am able to run the server setup program and it appears to be working. When I search for the session in the Steam Client it does not show up, I assume it is because the ports are not open.

hello, yes this is correct but you must also make the ports forward on the router if you host on pc at home.

For vps if you rent a host you must be able to do it. I think you must surely have a control panel to adjust the internal firewall or do the port forward. I'm not talking about the Windows firewall which is additional.

If you can't find it, don't hesitate to ask the partners where you host your VPS

with which partner do you host your VPS?

Just to be sure you have 4 rules 2 in INBOUND and 2 in OUTBOUND ?

you also need 7778

here my redirect rule

note that I did not redirect the RCON port because I do not want to expose it on the internet but if you wish you can also add it

if you want to do a test to find out if it is the windows firewall which is causing the problem, deactivate it temporarily and test to see if you see your server in the list

Perfect I will try this and let you know how it goes. Thanks for all the help.


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