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translating the program

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Allemand (German)3 Votes · 27.27%
Espagnol (Spanish)2 Votes · 18.18%
Portugais (Portuguese)2 Votes · 18.18%
Italien (Italian)1 Vote · 9.09%
Russe (Russian)3 Votes · 27.27%
11 Participants
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I am in the process of translating the program into French if you want to help add another language I will make the file available as soon as it will probably be ready for the next update
this will take a lot of time, be patient, the rest of the development is on pause while the complete translation is completed but this will subsequently allow more language to be added much more easily because the code will be adapted to handle this. 😎

in the meantime if you want to contribute you can check the languages you want to see in the Poll

How can I help? my and brazilian portuguese

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thank you very much for your feedback and your willingness to help, the program is now well advanced. It's time to add the translations. For that. I am currently building the file which will provide a basis for translating into other languages. as soon as this file is available. I will make it available and anyone wanting to help with the translation can use it to translate it into their language, once done I could integrate it for the moment, I must first finish building the model file for the translation . As soon as it is available, I will let you know here

stevie senpai has reacted to this post.
stevie senpai

The latest update lays the foundations for this beginning

Perfect, I'll wait.


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Hello everyone,

As promised here are the translation files made available to the community who wish to translate the program into their native language you will find 3 files.

The first allows you to translate the main program:

This in an  example of translation into Spanish:
You must translate the balise "value" without altering the variables like "{0} MB ({1:F2}%)" without modifying the value of "data name"

  <data name="ServerMemoryUsage" xml:space="preserve">
    <value>Server memory in use: {0} MB ({1:F2}%)</value>
  <data name="ServerMemoryUsage" xml:space="preserve">
    <value>Memoria del servidor en uso: {0} MB ({1:F2}%)</value>

The other two allow you to translate the GameUsersSettings.ini and Game.ini tabs:

This in an  example of translation into Spanish:
Do not modify the keys:

but only the values like this:

None,TRUE,AutoPvEStartTimeSeconds,"Default value: 0.0Value type: floatStates when the PvE mode should start in a PvPvE server. Valid values are from 0 to 86400. Options bAutoPvETimer, bAutoPvEUseSystemTime and AutoPvEStopTimeSeconds must also be set. Note: although at code level it is defined as a floating point number, it is suggested to use an integer instead."
None,TRUE,AutoPvEStartTimeSeconds,"Valor predeterminado: 0.0Tipo de valor: floatStates cuando debe iniciarse el modo PvE en un servidor PvPvE. Los valores válidos son de 0 a 86400. También se deben configurar las opciones bAutoPvETimer, bAutoPvEUseSystemTime y AutoPvEStopTimeSeconds. Nota: aunque a nivel de código está definido Como número de punto flotante, se sugiere utilizar un número entero."

If you want to contribute you can create 3 new files translated into your language and provide them to me here I will then integrate them in a future update.

Thank you for your contribution to the community !

Edit 23/04/2024 File simplification and improvement:

  • ArkWIKI_Game_EN.csv
  • ArkWIKI_GameUserSettings_EN.csv
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EmptyDream and Demone039 have reacted to this post.

I translated into Portuguese - Brazil
However, I first did just the program to see how it would turn out.
See below

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hey it's great I'm adding this to the roadmap for the next update thank you very much for your contribution

I could help with the translation into German.

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thank you for your help for the community with pleasure I will integrate your translation thank you

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