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Server is not starting

I have had the server running for about a week or so now. I shut down the server the other day as I was going to be away for a couple of days and when I came back I am not able to start the server.

When I click start server, the window running the script pops up as normal and starts doing its thing. After a few moments this window just closes and is just gone and the server is not running. When this happens the Start server / Stop Server buttons are not available any longer. I can click the Kill Server Button, but then get a message that there is no server running.

I have backed up all of my save files and reinstalled the server manager from scratch and am getting the same issue. I am at a loss as to what is happening and would appreciate any direction/assistance.

Admittedly I am a server rookie and just learning this process. Going digging round in the logs I am seeing a crashstack log and when I view the log it reads the following. I am thing this may be my issue, but not 100% sure on this

Fatal error!

Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x000001d37fb41ab8


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perhaps a corruption of the world save (map) if you had activated the save try to restore a save in the appropriate tab

I gave this a shot and rolled back to a prior save. Unfortunately the issue persists. I appreciate the suggestion.

have you installed any mods? if yes surely an incompatibility with a recent update of the dedicated server try starting the server without mods if it works add them 1 by 1 to identify the blocker

I have removed all mods except for the map mod for Svartalheim and still the same error. Seems like there is a corruption somewhere within the game files. I am continuing to search and will update here if I eventually get it working again.

I do have another map in The Island that will load and run without issue so it def seems to be a file issue within this specific map/server files.

I have seen another post on Steam with someone with this issue as well that started on 2/26 and I had just been on the day before on 2/25 with no issues. May just contact steam and see if they are aware of any issues.

I truly appreciate your time and assistance.

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Seems I am not the only one with this issue. Several people on the Steam reflecting the same error.

yes we find a lot of messages of this type on Google we read that in many cases it comes from mods hoping that you find the solution official web site official web site


Game updated today and I am back up and running. Thanks again for the assistance.

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glad that the dedicated server update fixed the server crash !