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Server after the last Update

If I start the Server Manager , he ask for the server loscation and for a profile. I have to create a profile, but my server with all settings is not there anymore. Could you explain more into details how to install the new update?


don't worry nothing is lost or deleted it's just a matter of folders 😉

âž¡ Quick help:

Before the update the manager used the C:\xxxx\"server" folder

Now it uses the folder C:\xxxx\"Profile Name"

So if you want to keep your old server Choose the path:

C:\xxxx\ and in profile name type server (or rename your folder to the name of the profile)

be careful not to be tricked into creating two folders C:\xxxx\server\server the manager fills this out so you don't put server in the path

click on create profile and then select the profile then click on select to launch your server configured with your profile this allows you to configure several servers if necessary by separating the parameters of each

💡  I hope this helped you  the release note

Many thanks, now it works.

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