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Option in Rcon

Option in Rcon to send a message on Broadcast or in a chat game that you already have.
The Warning messages for shutdown 15, 10, 5 and 1 min would be interesting to be in the server's Broadcast Mode.

The last few updates were really good.

Administrator has reacted to this post.

Hey, Dex the package I use does not allow it I think I will investigate anyway

I created a map in the road map to explore the possibilities and play with it

I found a bug in the RCON player list.
With the 2 programs open, one for server 1 and the other for server 2.
Both are saying that I am online on 2 maps, the correct thing is that it only shows that I am on 1 map.

Uploaded files:
  • bug-rcon.png

would you have the same rcon port for both servers? 🤔

It was my mistake, I ended up forgetting to see this.
I used the same port so it gave me an error

Still about RCON.
I found a modified library, I don't know if it's possible to use anything.

Quote from ArkDex on 02/19/2024, 7:43 PM

It was my mistake, I ended up forgetting to see this.
I used the same port so it gave me an error

yes I implemented checking for this during the last update 😉

Quote from ArkDex on 02/19/2024, 7:44 PM

Still about RCON.
I found a modified library, I don't know if it's possible to use anything.

Based on CoreRCON Library (
this repo is based on the library that I use

to see if it is maintained because CoreRCON claims to be up to date

Quote from Administrator on 02/19/2024, 8:43 PM
Quote from ArkDex on 02/19/2024, 7:44 PM

Still about RCON.
I found a modified library, I don't know if it's possible to use anything.

Based on CoreRCON Library (
this repo is based on the library that I use

to see if it is maintained because CoreRCON claims to be up to date

Haa I didn't notice that