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New Install not showing up in Steam DServer list

Hi all i am working on setting up the ASA server maneger it says its running but i can not see if under Steam under servers my ASE server is showing up but not the ASA any help would be very greatful thanks


have you follow this detailed post ?

And have you do this

disable windows firewall or add rule like this

Windows Firewall Rules (these rules would also apply to any third party firewalls you may have)

  • Inbound connections for UDP (for general game connections to your server)
    Ports 7777-7778, 27015
  • Inbound connections for TCP (used for RCON)
    Port 27020
  • I specified the ArkAscendedServer.exe under "Programs and services"-tab for each of these rules

Router portfowarding

  • Both TCP and UDP for ports 7777, 7778 and 27015 to your servers IP-address
  • TCP only for port 27020 used for RCON, to your servers IP-address