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Help setting up setting up the Svartalfheim map

Thanks for the fantastic software! It is incredible! However, I do have a problem:

I have downloaded the Svartalfheim [Crossplay & Console Version] but cannot get it to work with your software. It works find in stand alone player mode. I created two configurations, one for The Island and one for Svartalfheim. The Island configuration works but I cannot get the Svartalfheim one to work. Everytime I start the server it comes up with The Island map.

Could you please tell me what I need to do or point me to a video or information for any step by step instructions?

If you need any info from me please let me know.

Thanks! I appreciate your help!


Deidrich Fehr


to add Svartalfheim go to the Map Management tab and add the map following the example shown

Once this is done you can select it here

I'm moving the topic to the FAQ