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Cant stop the server just kill it.

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Check if the ports of the 2 servers are different

Here is the ini file, The 2 server has diffrent ports: 7777 and 7780 works fine with another server manager but not with ASM

And thats weird !

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see if the following ports on the 2 serves are different RCONPort=11515 Port=7780 QueryPort=27020

hello, here is the corrected ini:

I commented correctly on the comments:
OnlyHPonEnemyTribeDinos=False ;If set to true will only show the HP Bar on Enemy Tribe Creatures
TerminalIncubationFloor=0.01 ;absolute floor is 0.01

and corrected:

you shouldn't have any more problems

PS: don't forget to update your passwords
Have a good day

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