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Can't select profile

I made a profile earlier, closed the app and restarted my server. Now when I open the app it gives me "profil manager" but my profile isn't showing up. I can see it at C:\arksa_ds\Profile1. How do I select/load my profile?

*Edit. Figured out a work-a-round. Made a new profile and then closed app and renamed the old profile to the new one and it worked.


The profile is located in for example C:\ASA_server\Server1\Profile if it doesn't appear for some reason you can just create a new profile like C:\ASA_server\Server1 and the manager should find the profile.json file and use your existing profile the workaround you used works in the same way. Both methods are valid. The manager is evolving quickly with many updates being released recently. The profile has been completely reworked to allow opening multiple servers via tabs. This may have caused issues in some pre-existing profiles or from a much older version. I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused. We try to do our best with each update to avoid impacting older versions, but this can still happen.