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Can't join server

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a possibility your root certificates are not up to date on the machine you are running import the following certificate in machine store and try again

why ?

The server works through Epic and Epic in turn works with Amazon Cloud. In 99% of cases, the missing root certificate is the cause. Thanks to @Much_Live who sent us this solution

just double click on the certificate and install it in the machine store otherwise install epic game this will install the certificate but makes no sense

The link given is shown that "can't be downloaded securely".

Uploaded files:
  • Capture1.PNG

If you are afraid to install the certificate install EPIC game, it will automatically install this same certificate

when you say to install epic game, do you mean just their launcher or a game made with unreal engine? So many changes with ASA over ASE. lol

Just the launcher

Vaeroth has reacted to this post.

Finally got this joinable. Thank you. Now I am having issues with no dino's spawning. All server settings are default. Made no changes. Just added mods.

I'm sorry to hear that you don't have a dino, unfortunately I haven't had internet for two days following a general fiber optic incident in my department... I'm away this weekend I won't be able to look before Monday to perform tests on the dinos.

how did you solve your problem to reach the server?
this may help other people

thank you and have a good weekend

PS Added To RoadMap

Just had to download and install the Epic Launcher. That fixed whatever needed to be fixed for me to join my server.

sorry about the internet being down. At least it can give you a little bit of a disconnect from the socials. lol

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