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Bugged Command Line

Command line anything you put and close the program it doesn't save.
Returns without configuration that was added.

Uploaded files:
  • Screenshot_19.png

I cannot reproduce this problem in my environment. it does not seem that the problem comes from version

  • for you several possibilities:
  • you do not add a space in front of the first - like incorrect "-xxx" correct " -xxx"
  • the command line is incorrect a message box then informs you
  • other possibility the file C:\xxx\server\Profile\serverProfil.json is corrupted

?WinLiveMaxPlayers=100?AltSaveDirectoryName=ASA?ClampItemStats=true -ServerIP=xxxxx -NoTransferFromFiltering -UseBattlEye -servergamelog -servergamelogincludetribelogs -ServerRCONOutputTribeLogs -SecureSendArKPayload -UseItemDupeCheck -UseSecureSpawnRules -noundermeshkilling -Mods=931309,928501,928988,940003,939055,929912,955333 -culture=en

This command line I'm using.
I took the manual I made from my server

Hey, For now Try that:

?WinLiveMaxPlayers=100 ?AltSaveDirectoryName=ASA ?ClampItemStats=true -ServerIP=XXXXXX-NoTransferFromFiltering -UseBattlEye -servergamelog -servergamelogincludetribelogs -ServerRCONOutputTribeLogs -SecureSendArKPayload -UseItemDupeCheck -UseSecureSpawnRules -noundermeshkilling -Mods=931309,928501,928988,940003,939055,929912,955333 -culture=en

the control of the command line may be too strict I will look into it quickly

Thanks for the report

PS just replace the ip for confidentiality

Okay, I'm going to use it this way, because the default command Ark uses is the one I sent you.

You are right, I will fix this quickly.

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