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ASM Background Process Idea

First let me say I love what you are doing with this server manager it makes it really easy to setup servers and run them. Keep up the good work!

The one idea I had was the ability to hide or close the server feed or server manager without shutting down the server. I find myself often either accidently hitting X instead of minimizing it to hide the feed when I don't need it and inadvertently shutting down the server. Same goes for the manager.

You can say I have got to use to closing things like discord or steam and the software still running in the system tray. Having the ability to close the windows and have them run in the system tray/background would add a bit of quality-of-life improvements to server management.

Thanks for your time.

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thank you for your positive feedback đŸ˜€

it was developed like this because once the manager is closed it will no longer be able to regain control of the server if it is closed and restarted and this could cause problems but yes the idea of ​​the system tray is excellent

I am adding this to the road map