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ASA manager can't update anymore

I have the manager version and I have the option to update since a while, but it doesn't work. I am using the manager now since a few weeks and it did update before without any issues. Now if I press the Update button, it ether loops in the cmd and says "asadedicatedmanager.exe doesn't exist" or "can't read file: C:/Program"


Or it gives out an error message which instructs me to read the appupdatelog. So I will include this too.


This morning when I start the manager in admin I only got the endless loop in cmd which says that it can't read the file.


Any help would be appreciated 🙂



I thought something was wrong in the update.bat and already wanted to try around in that code. But I ended up joining discord and someone had the same issue on an earlier version of the manager. The update function on the manger itself was broken. The solution was to manually download the newest version and copy/override all the content in my existing folder. Cluster still working as before 🙂