ASA,ASE,Variable,Description True,True,[ServerSettings],"The following options must come under the [ServerSettings] section of GameUserSettings.ini:" True,True,ActiveMods,"Value type: list of mod IDs, comma-separated with no spaces, in a single line (for example: ModID1,ModID2,ModID3) Specifies the order and which mods are loaded. ModIDs are comma separated and in one line. Priority is in descending order (the left-most ModID hast the highest priority). Alternatively, but not suggested, the command line ?GameModIds= can be used." True,None,ActiveMapMod,"Value type: mod ID for currently active mod map Specifies which mod map is loaded.?" False,True,ActiveTotalConversion,"Value type: ModID Used to specify a total conversion mod (e.g.: Primitive Plus). Alternatively, the command line option -TotalConversionMod= can also be set." True,True,AdminLogging,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, logs all admin commands to in-game chat." True,True,AllowAnyoneBabyImprintCuddle,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, allows anyone to take care of a baby creatures (cuddle etc.), not just whomever imprinted on it." True,True,AllowCaveBuildingPvE,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, allows building in caves when PvE mode is also enabled. Note: no more working in command-line options before patch 241.5." True,True,AllowCaveBuildingPvP,"Default value: True Value type: boolean If False, prevents building in caves when PvP mode is also enabled." None,True,AllowCrateSpawnsOnTopOfStructures,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, allows from-the-air Supply Crates to appear on top of Structures, rather than being prevented by Structures." True,True,AllowFlyerCarryPvE,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, allows flying creatures to pick up wild creatures in PvE." None,True,AllowFlyingStaminaRecovery,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, allows server to recover Stamina when standing on a Flyer." True,True,AllowHideDamageSourceFromLogs,"Default value: True Value type: boolean If False, shows the damage sources in tribe logs." True,True,AllowHitMarkers,"Default value: True Value type: boolean If False, disables optional markers for ranged attacks." None,True,AllowIntegratedSPlusStructures,"Default value: True Value type: boolean if False, disables all of the new S+ structures (intended mainly for letting unofficial servers that want to keep using the S+ mod version to keep using that without a ton of extra duplicate structures)." True,True,AllowMultipleAttachedC4,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, allows to attach more than one C4 per creature." True,True,AllowRaidDinoFeeding,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, allows Titanosaurs to be permanently tamed (namely allow them to be fed). Note: in The Island only spawns a maximum of 3 Titanosaurs, so 3 tamed ones should ultimately block any more ones from spawning." None,True,AllowSharedConnections,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, allows family sharing players to connect to the server." None,True,AllowTekSuitPowersInGenesis,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, enables TEK suit powers in Genesis: Part 1." True,True,AllowThirdPersonPlayer,"Default value: True Value type: boolean If False, disables third person camera allowed by default on all dedicated servers." True,True,AlwaysAllowStructurePickup,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True disables the timer on the quick pick-up system." None,True,AlwaysNotifyPlayerLeft,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, players will always get notified if someone leaves the server" None,True,AutoDestroyDecayedDinos,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, auto-destroys claimable decayed tames on load, rather than have them remain around as claimable. Note: after patch 273.691, in PvE mode the tame auto-unclaim after decay period has been disabled in official PvE." None,True,AutoDestroyOldStructuresMultiplier,"Default value: 0.0 Value type: float Allows auto-destruction of structures only after sufficient no nearby tribe time has passed (defined as a multiplier of the Allow Claim period). To enable it, set it to 1.0. Useful for servers to clear off abandoned structures automatically over time. Requires -AutoDestroyStructures command line option to work. The value scales with each structure decay time." True,True,AutoSavePeriodMinutes,"Default value: 15.0 Value type: float Set interval for automatic saves. Setting this to 0 will cause constant saving." None,True,BanListURL,"Value type: string with a URL Sets the global ban list. Must be enclosed in double quotes. Official ban list is, before 279.233 the URL was Note: it supports the HTTP protocol only (HTTPS is not supported)." None,True,bForceCanRideFliers,"Value type: boolean If True, allows flyers to be used on maps where they normally are disabled. Note: if you set it to False it will disable flyers on any map." True,True,ClampItemSpoilingTimes,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, clamps all spoiling times to the items' maximum spoiling times. Useful if any infinite-spoiling exploits were used on the server and you wish to clean them up. Could potentially cause issues with mods that alter spoiling time, hence it is an option." None,True,ClampItemStats,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, enables stats clamping for items. See ItemStatClamps for more info." True,True,ClampResourceHarvestDamage,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, limit the damage caused by a tame to a resource on harvesting based on resource remaining health. Note: enabling this setting may result in sensible resource harvesting reduction using high damage tools or creatures." None,True,CustomDynamicConfigUrl,"Value type: string with a URL Direct link to a live dynamicconfig.ini file (, allowing live changes of the supported options without the need of server restart, as well defining custom colour set for wild creatures' spawns. Note: requires -UseDynamicConfig command line option, string with a URL must use the HTTP protocol (HTTPS is not supported) and inside quotes if used in command line. Check the DynamicConfig section for the supported settings." None,True,CustomLiveTuningUrl,"Value type: string with a URL Direct link to the live tuning file (e.g.: Currently only allows to change the values of DecayDestructionPeriod & DecayDestructionPeriodMultiplier for any structure in the game. Note: string with a URL must use the HTTP protocol (HTTPS is not supported) and inside quotes if used in command line. For more information on how to use this system check out the official announcement:" True,True,DayCycleSpeedScale,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Specifies the scaling factor for the passage of time in the ARK, controlling how often day changes to night and night changes to day. The Default value 1 provides the same cycle speed as the single player experience (and the official public servers). Values lower than 1 slow down the cycle; higher values accelerate it. Base time when value is 1 appears to be 1-minute real time equals approx. 28-minutes game time. Thus, for an approximate 24-hour day/night cycle in game, use .035 for the value." True,True,DayTimeSpeedScale,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Specifies the scaling factor for the passage of time in the ARK during the day. This value determines the length of each day, relative to the length of each night (as specified by NightTimeSpeedScale). Lowering this value increases the length of each day." False,True,DestroyUnconnectedWaterPipes,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, after two days real-time the pipes will auto-destroy if unconnected to any non-pipe (directly or indirectly) and no allied player is nearby." True,False,DestroyTamesOverTheSoftTameLimit,"Default value: False Value type: boolean enables destroying tames over the limit" True,True,DifficultyOffset,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Specifies the difficulty level." True,True,DinoCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Specifies the scaling factor for creatures' food consumption. Higher values increase food consumption (creatures get hungry faster). It also affects the taming-times." True,True,DinoCharacterHealthRecoveryMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Specifies the scaling factor for creatures' health recovery. Higher values increase the recovery rate (creatures heal faster)." True,True,DinoCharacterStaminaDrainMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Specifies the scaling factor for creatures' stamina consumption. Higher values increase stamina consumption (creatures get tired faster)." None,True,DinoCountMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Specifies the scaling factor for creature spawns. Higher values increase the number of creatures spawned throughout the ARK." True,True,DinoDamageMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Specifies the scaling factor for the damage wild creatures deal with their attacks. The Default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values increase damage. Lower values decrease it." True,True,DinoResistanceMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Specifies the scaling factor for the resistance to damage wild creatures receive when attacked. The Default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values decrease resistance, increasing damage per attack. Lower values increase it, reducing damage per attack. A value of 0.5 results in a creature taking half damage while a value of 2.0 would result in a creature taking double normal damage." True,True,DisableDinoDecayPvE,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, disables the creature decay in PvE mode. Note: after patch 273.691, in PvE mode the creature auto-unclaim after decay period has been disabled." True,True,DisableImprintDinoBuff,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, disables the creature imprinting player Stat Bonus. Where whomever specifically imprinted on the creature, and raised it to have an Imprinting Quality, gets extra Damage/Resistance buff." True,True,DisablePvEGamma,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, prevents use of console command gamma in PvE mode." True,True,DisableStructureDecayPvE,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, disables the gradual auto-decay of player structures." True,True,DisableWeatherFog,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, disables fog." True,True,DontAlwaysNotifyPlayerJoined,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, globally disables player joins notifications." True,True,EnableExtraStructurePreventionVolumes,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, disables building in specific resource-rich areas, in particular setup on The Island around the major mountains." True,True,EnablePvPGamma,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, allows use of console command gamma in PvP mode." None,True,ExtinctionEventTimeInterval,"Value type: seconds Used to enable the extinction mode (ARKpocalypse). The number is the time in seconds. Use 2592000 value for 30 days." None,True,FastDecayUnsnappedCoreStructures,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, unsnapped foundations/pillars/fences/Tek Dedicated Storage will decay after the time stated by FastDecayInterval in Game.ini (default is 12 hours). Before 259.0, it set the decay time for such structures straight to 5 times faster." None,True,ForceAllStructureLocking,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, will default lock all structures." True,True,globalVoiceChat,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, voice chat turns global." True,True,HarvestAmountMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Specifies the scaling factor for yields from all harvesting activities (chopping down trees, picking berries, carving carcasses, mining rocks, etc.). Higher values increase the amount of materials harvested with each strike." True,True,HarvestHealthMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Specifies the scaling factor for the health of items that can be harvested (trees, rocks, carcasses, etc.). Higher values increase the amount of damage (i.e. number of strikes) such objects can withstand before being destroyed, which results in higher overall harvest yields." None,True,IgnoreLimitMaxStructuresInRangeTypeFlag,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, removes the limit of 150 decorative structures (flags, signs, dermis etc.)." True,True,ItemStackSizeMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Allow increasing or decreasing global item stack size, this means all default stack sizes will be multiplied by the value given (excluding items that have a stack size of 1 by default)." True,True,KickIdlePlayersPeriod,"Default value: 3600.0 Value type: float Time in seconds after which characters that have not moved or interacted will be kicked (if -EnableIdlePlayerKick as command line parameter is set). Note: although at code level it is defined as a floating-point number, it is suggested to use an integer instead." None,True,MaxGateFrameOnSaddles,"Default value: 0 Value type: integer Defines the maximum amount of gateways allowed on platform saddles. A value of 2 would prevent players from placing more than 2 gateways on their platform saddles (used in Official PvP servers). This setting is not retroactive, meaning existing builds won't be affected. Set to 0 to not allow players to place gateways on platform saddles (used in Official PvE servers)." None,True,MaxHexagonsPerCharacter,"Default value: 2000000000 Value type: integer Sets the max amount of Hexagon a Character can accumulate. Official set it to 2500000." True,True,MaxPersonalTamedDinos,"Default value: 0 Value type: integer Sets a per-tribe creature tame limit (500 on official PvE servers, 300 in official PvP servers). The Default value of 0 disables such limit." None,True,MaxPlatformSaddleStructureLimit,"Default value: 75 Value type: integer Changes the maximum number of platformed-creatures/rafts allowed on the ARK (a potential performance cost). Example: MaxPlatformSaddleStructureLimit=10 would only allow 10 platform saddles/rafts across the entire ARK." True,True,MaxTamedDinos,"Default value: 5000.0 Value type: float Sets the maximum number of tame creatures on a server, this is a global cap. Note: although at code level it is defined as a floating-point number, it is suggested to use an integer instead." True,False,MaxTamedDinos_SoftTameLimit,"Default value: 5000 set the server-wide soft tame limit" True,False,MaxTamedDinos_SoftTameLimit_CountdownForDeletionDuration "Default value: 604800 set the timer for destroy in seconds" None,True,MaxTributeCharacters,"Default value: 10 Value type: integer Slots for uploaded characters. Any value less than default will be reverted. Note: rising it may corrupt player/cluster data and lead to lose of all stored characters." True,True,MaxTributeDinos,"Default value: 20 Value type: integer Slots for uploaded creatures. Any value less than default will be reverted. Note: Some player claimed maximum 273 to be safe cap and more will corrupt profile/cluster and lead to lose of all stored creatures but it need to be checked" True,True,MaxTributeItems,"Default value: 50 Value type: integer Slots for uploaded items and resources. Any value less than default will be reverted. Note: Some player claimed maximum 154 to be safe cap and more will corrupt profile/cluster and lead to lose of all stored items and resources but it need to be checked" True,True,NightTimeSpeedScale,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Specifies the scaling factor for the passage of time in the ARK during night time. This value determines the length of each night, relative to the length of each day (as specified by DayTimeSpeedScale) Lowering this value increases the length of each night." True,True,NonPermanentDiseases,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, makes permanent diseases not permanent. Players will lose them if on re-spawn." None,True,NPCNetworkStasisRangeScalePlayerCountStart,"Default value: 0 Value type: integer Minimum number of online players when the NPC Network Stasis Range Scale override is enabled (requires inputting into INI, not command line). Used to override the NPC Network Stasis Range Scale (to scale server performance for more player), on default is set to 0, disabling it. Official set it to 24." None,True,NPCNetworkStasisRangeScalePlayerCountEnd,"Default value: 0 Value type: integer Maximum number of online players when NPCNetworkStasisRangeScalePercentEnd is reached (requires inputting into INI, not command line). Used to override the NPC Network Stasis Range Scale (to scale server performance for more player), on default is set to 0, disabling it. Official set it to 70" None,True,NPCNetworkStasisRangeScalePercentEnd,"Default value: 0.55000001 Value type: float The Maximum scale percentage used when NPCNetworkStasisRangeScalePlayerCountEnd is reached (requires inputting into INI, not command line). Used to override the NPC Network Stasis Range Scale (to scale server performance for more player). Official set it to 0.5." None,True,OnlyAutoDestroyCoreStructures,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, prevents any non-core/non-foundation structures from auto-destroying (however they'll still get auto-destroyed if a floor that they're on gets auto-destroyed). Official PvE Servers use this option." None,True,OnlyDecayUnsnappedCoreStructures,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, only unsnapped core structures will decay. Useful for eliminating lone pillar/foundation spam." True,True,OverrideOfficialDifficulty,"Default value: 0.0 Value type: float Allows you to override the default server difficulty level of 4 with 5 to match the new official server difficulty level. Default value of 0.0 disables the override. A value of 5.0 will allow common creatures to spawn up to level 150. Originally (247.95) available only as command line option." True,True,OverrideStructurePlatformPrevention,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, turrets becomes be buildable and functional on platform saddles. Since 247.999 applies on spike structure too. Note: despite patch notes, in ShooterGameServer it's coded OverrideStructurePlatformPrevention with two r." True,True,OxygenSwimSpeedStatMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Use this to set how swim speed is multiplied by level spent in oxygen. The value was reduced by 80% in 256.0." True,True,PerPlatformMaxStructuresMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Higher value increases (from a percentage scale) max number of items place-able on saddles and rafts." None,True,PersonalTamedDinosSaddleStructureCost,"Default value: 0 Value type: integer Determines the amount of tame creature slots a platform saddle (with structures) will use towards the tribe tame creature limit." True,True,PlatformSaddleBuildAreaBoundsMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Increasing the number allows structures being placed further away from the platform." True,True,PlayerCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Specifies the scaling factor for player characters' food consumption. Higher values increase food consumption (player characters get hungry faster)." True,True,PlayerCharacterHealthRecoveryMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Specifies the scaling factor for player characters' health recovery. Higher values increase the recovery rate (player characters heal faster)." True,True,PlayerCharacterStaminaDrainMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Specifies the scaling factor for player characters' stamina consumption. Higher values increase stamina consumption (player characters get tired faster)." True,True,PlayerCharacterWaterDrainMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Specifies the scaling factor for player characters' water consumption. Higher values increase water consumption (player characters get thirsty faster)." True,True,PlayerDamageMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Specifies the scaling factor for the damage players deal with their attacks. The Default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values increase damage. Lower values decrease it." True,True,PlayerResistanceMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Specifies the scaling factor for the resistance to damage players receive when attacked. The Default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values decrease resistance, increasing damage per attack. Lower values increase it, reducing damage per attack. A value of 0.5 results in a player taking half damage while a value of 2.0 would result in taking double normal damage." True,True,PreventDiseases,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, completely diseases on the server. Thus far just Swamp Fever." True,True,PreventMateBoost,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, disables creature mate boosting." True,True,PreventOfflinePvP,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, enables the Offline Raiding Prevention (ORP). When all tribe members are logged off, tribe characters, creature and structures become invulnerable. Creature starvation still applies, moreover, characters and creature can still die if drowned. Despite the name, it works on both PvE and PvP game modes. Due to performance reason, it is recommended to set a minimum interval with PreventOfflinePvPInterval option before ORP becomes active. ORP also helps lowering memory and CPU usage on a server. Enabled by default on Official PvE since 258.3" True,True,PreventOfflinePvPInterval,"Default value: 0.0 Value type: float Seconds to wait before a ORP becomes active for tribe/players and relative creatures/structures (10 seconds in official PvE servers). Note: although at code level it is defined as a floating-point number, it is suggested to use an integer instead." True,True,PreventSpawnAnimations,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, player characters (re)spawn without the wake-up animation." True,True,PreventTribeAlliances,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, prevents tribes from creating Alliances." True,True,ProximityChat,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, only players near each other can see their chat messages" True,True,PvEAllowStructuresAtSupplyDrops,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, allows building near supply drop points in PvE mode." True,True,PvEDinoDecayPeriodMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Creature PvE auto-decay time multiplier. Requires DisableDinoDecayPvE=false in GameUserSettings.ini or ?DisableDinoDecayPvE=false in command line to work." None,True,PvEStructureDecayPeriodMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Specifies the scaling factor for structures decay times, e.g.: setting it at 2.0 will double all structure decay times, while setting at 0.5 will halve the timers. Note: despite the name, works in both PvP and PvE modes when structure decay is enabled." True,True,PvPDinoDecay,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, enables creatures' decay in PvP while the Offline Raid Prevention is active." None,True,PvPStructureDecay,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, enables structures decay on PvP servers while the Offline Raid Prevention is active." True,True,RaidDinoCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Affects how quickly the food drains on such raid dinos (e.g.: Titanosaurus)" True,True,RandomSupplyCratePoints,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, supply drops are in random locations. Note: This setting is known to cause artifacts becoming inaccessible on Ragnarok if active." None,True,RCONEnabled,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, enables RCON, needs RCONPort= and ServerAdminPassword= to work." True,True,RCONPort,"Default value: 27020 Value type: integer Specifies the optional TCP RCON Port. See Dedicated server setup" True,True,RCONServerGameLogBuffer,"Default value: 600.0 Value type: float Determines how many lines of game logs are send over the RCON. Note: despite being coded as a float it's suggested to treat it as integer." True,True,ResourcesRespawnPeriodMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Specifies the scaling factor for the re-spawn rate for resource nodes (trees, rocks, bushes, etc.). Lower values cause nodes to re-spawn more frequently." True,True,ServerAdminPassword,"Value type: string If specified, players must provide this password (via the in-game console) to gain access to administrator commands on the server. Note: no quotes are used." None,True,ServerAutoForceRespawnWildDinosInterval,"Default value: 0.0 Value type: float Force re-spawn of all wild creatures on server restart afters the value set in seconds. Default value of 0.0 disables it. Useful to prevent certain creature species (like the Basilo and Spino) from becoming depopulated on long running servers." True,True,ServerCrosshair,"Default value: True Value type: boolean If False, disables the Crosshair on your server." True,True,ServerForceNoHUD,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, HUD is always disabled for non-tribe owned NPCs." True,True,ServerHardcore,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, enables Hardcore mode (player characters revert to level 1 upon death)" True,True,ServerPassword,"Value type: string If specified, players must provide this password to join the server. Note: no quotes are used." True,True,serverPVE,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, disables PvP and enables PvE" True,True,ShowFloatingDamageText,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, enables RPG-style popup damage text mode." True,True,ShowMapPlayerLocation,"Default value: True Value type: boolean If False, hides each player their own precise position when they view their map." None,True,SpectatorPassword,"Value type: string To use non-admin spectator, the server must specify a spectator password. Then any client can use these console commands: requestspectator and stopspectating. Note: no quotes are used." None,True,StructureDamageMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Specifies the scaling factor for the damage structures deal with their attacks (i.e. spiked walls). Higher values increase damage. Lower values decrease it." True,True,StructurePickupHoldDuration,"Default value: 0.5 Value type: float Specifies the quick pick-up hold duration, a value of 0 results in instant pick-up." True,True,StructurePickupTimeAfterPlacement,"Default value: 30.0 Value type: float Amount of time in seconds after placement that quick pick-up is available." True,True,StructurePreventResourceRadiusMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Same as ResourceNoReplenishRadiusStructures in Game.ini. If both settings are set both multiplier will be applied. Can be useful when cannot change the Game.ini file as it works as a command line option too." True,True,StructureResistanceMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Specifies the scaling factor for the resistance to damage structures receive when attacked. The Default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values decrease resistance, increasing damage per attack. Lower values increase it, reducing damage per attack. A value of 0.5 results in a structure taking half damage while a value of 2.0 would result in a structure taking double normal damage." None,True,TamedDinoDamageMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Specifies the scaling factor for the damage tame creatures deal with their attacks. The Default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values increase damage. Lower values decrease it." None,True,TamedDinoResistanceMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Specifies the scaling factor for the resistance to damage tame creatures receive when attacked. The Default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values decrease resistance, increasing damage per attack. Lower values increase it, reducing damage per attack. A value of 0.5 results in a structure taking half damage while a value of 2.0 would result in a structure taking double normal damage." True,True,TamingSpeedMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Specifies the scaling factor for creature taming speed. Higher values make taming faster." True,True,TheMaxStructuresInRange,"Default value: 10500 Value type: integer Specifies the maximum number of structures that can be constructed within a certain (currently hard-coded) range. Replaces the old value NewMaxStructuresInRange" None,True,TribeLogDestroyedEnemyStructures,"Default value: False Value type: boolean By default, enemy structure destruction (for the victim tribe) is not displayed in the tribe Logs, set this to true to enable it." True,True,TribeNameChangeCooldown,"Default value: 15.0 Value type: float Cool-down, in minutes, in between tribe name changes. Official server use a value of 172800.0 (2 days)." None,True,UseFjordurTraversalBuff,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, enables the biome teleport in Fjordur when holding R (enabled in official PvE servers)." None,True,UseOptimizedHarvestingHealth,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, enables a server harvesting optimization with high HarvestAmountMultiplier (but less rare items). Note: on ARK: Survival Evolved it's suggested to enable this option if harvesting with Tek Stryder causes lag spikes." True,True,XPMultiplier,"Default value: 1.0 Value type: float Specifies the scaling factor for the experience received by players, tribes and tames for various actions. The Default value 1 provides the same amounts of experience as in the single player experience (and official public servers). Higher values increase XP amounts awarded for various actions; lower values decrease it. In 313.5 an additional hardcoded multiplier of 4 was activated." None,True,CrossARKAllowForeignDinoDownloads,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, enables non-native creatures tribute download on Aberration." None,True,MinimumDinoReuploadInterval,"Default value: 0.0 Value type: float Number of seconds cool-down between allowed creature re-uploads (43200 on official Servers which is 12 hours)." True,True,noTributeDownloads,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, prevents CrossArk-data downloads inCross-ARK Data Transfer." True,True,PreventDownloadDinos,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, prevents creatures download from ARK Data in Cross-ARK Data Transfer." True,True,PreventDownloadItems,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, prevents items download from ARK Data in Cross-ARK Data Transfer." True,True,PreventDownloadSurvivors,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, prevents survivors download from ARK Data in Cross-ARK Data Transfer." None,True,PreventUploadDinos,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, prevents creatures upload to ARK Data in Cross-ARK Data Transfer." None,True,PreventUploadItems,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, prevents items upload to ARK Data in Cross-ARK Data Transfer." None,True,PreventUploadSurvivors,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, prevents survivors upload to ARK Data in Cross-ARK Data Transfer." None,True,TributeCharacterExpirationSeconds,"Default value: 0 Value type: integer Set in seconds the expiration timer for uploaded survivors in ARK Data. With default or negative values there is no expiration time. Check Cross-ARK Data Transfer for more details. Warning: do not set this option to an insane high value, like more than 31536000 seconds (which is 1 year), as in ARK Data routines this is summed to upload time in Unix Epoch time format. Using really high values will result in overflow and may cause upload time checks to fail and ARK Data deleted." None,True,TributeDinoExpirationSeconds,"Default value: 86400 Value type: integer Set in seconds the expiration timer for uploaded tames in ARK Data. If set to 0 or less will revert to default. Check Cross-ARK Data Transfer for more details. Warning: do not set this option to an insane high value, like more than 31536000 seconds (which is 1 year), as in ARK Data routines this is summed to upload time in Unix Epoch time format. Using really high values will result in overflow and may cause upload time checks to fail and ARK Data deleted." None,True,TributeItemExpirationSeconds,"Default value: 86400 Value type: integer Set in seconds the expiration timer for uploaded items in ARK Data. If set to 0 or less will revert to default. Check Cross-ARK Data Transfer for more details. Warning: do not set this option to an insane high value, like more than 31536000 seconds (which is 1 year), as in ARK Data routines this is summed to upload time in Unix Epoch time format. Using really high values will result in overflow and may cause upload time checks to fail and ARK Data deleted." None,True,CryopodNerfDamageMult,"Default value: 0.0099999998 Value type: float Reduces the amount of damage dealt by the creature after it is deployed from the cryopod, as a percentage of total damage output, and for the length of time set by CryopodNerfDuration. CryopodNerfDuration needs to be set as well. CryopodNerfDamageMult=0.01 means 99% of the damage is removed. On official it is set to 0.1." None,True,CryopodNerfDuration,"Default value: 0.0 Value type: integer Amount of time, in seconds, Cryosickness lasts after deploying a creature from a Cryopod. Note: although at code level it is defined as a floating-point number, it is suggested to use an integer instead. On official it is set to 10.0." None,True,CryopodNerfIncomingDamageMultPercent,"Default value: 0.0 Value type: float Increases the amount of damage taken by the creature after it is deployed from the cryopod, as a percentage of total damage received, and for the length of time set by CryopodNerfDuration. CryopodNerfIncomingDamageMultPercent=0.25 means a released tame takes 25% more damage while the debuff lasts. On official it is set to 0.25." True,False,AllowCryoFridgeOnSaddle,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, allows cryofridges to be built on platform saddles and rafts.." True,False,DisableCryopodEnemyCheck,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, allows cryopods to be used while enemies are nearby." True,False,DisableCryopodFridgeRequirement,"Default value: Value type: boolean If True, allows cryopods to be used without needing to be in range of a powered cryofridge." None,True,EnableCryopodNerf,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, there is no Cryopod cooldown timer, and creatures do not become unconscious. If this option is set, than EnableCryopodNerf and CryopodNerfIncomingDamageMultPercent must be set as well or they will default to 0." None,True,EnableCryoSicknessPVE,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, enables Cryopod cooldown timer when deploying a creature." None,True,BadWordListURL,"Default value: Value type: string with a URL Add the URL to hosting your own bad words list. Note: it supports the HTTP protocol only (HTTPS is not supported)." None,True,BadWordWhiteListURL,"Default value: Value type: string with a URL Add the URL to hosting your own good words list. Note: it supports the HTTP protocol only (HTTPS is not supported)." True,False,AdminListURL,"Default value: file://C:\\Servers\\asaisland\\ShooterGame\\Saved\\adminlist.txt Value type: string ASA no longer uses SteamID64 identifiers instead it uses EOS credentials. You can now get this ID by typing whoami in single player in the console. Note: also takes http/https URLs but also a local file like for example: file://C:\TestASA\server\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\WindowsServer\AdminListURL.txt." None,True,bFilterCharacterNames,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, filters out character names based on the bad words/good words list." None,True,bFilterChat,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, filters out character names based on the bad word/good words list." None,True,bFilterTribeNames,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, filters out tribe names based on the badwords/goodwords list." None,True,AllowDeprecatedStructures,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, allows servers to keep the Halloween Structures for a while after event ends (had to be used before relaunching the server with 222.3 update). Since no more events are planned to be activated or removed, this feature can be considered deprecated." None,True,bAllowFlyerCarryPVE,"Default value: False Value type: boolean Use AllowFlyerCarryPvE." None,True,bDisableStructureDecayPvE,"Default value: False Value type: boolean Use DisableStructureDecayPvE." None,True,ForceFlyerExplosives,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, allowed flyers (except Quetzal and Wyvern) to fly with C4 attached to it. Deprecated since 253.95." None,True,MaxStructuresInRange,"Default value: 1300 Value type: integer Specifies the maximum number of structures that can be constructed within a certain (currently hard-coded) range. Deprecated with patch 188.0 by NewMaxStructuresInRange." None,True,NewMaxStructuresInRange,"Default value: 6000 Value type: integer Specifies the maximum number of structures that can be constructed within a certain (currently hard-coded) range. Deprecated with patch 252.1 by TheMaxStructuresInRange." None,True,PvEStructureDecayDestructionPeriod,"Default value: 0 Value type: integer Specified the time required for player structures to decay in PvE mode. Deprecated and no more present in executable bits with patch 180.0 where each type of structure has its own decay time, increasing with tier quality.[2]" False,True,AllowedCheatersURL,"Default value: N/A Value type: string with a URL Alternative to AllowedCheaterSteamIDs.txt usage (see Administrator Whitelisting) using a web resource (e.g.: official uses The interval at which the server queries the resource to check for admin list update is defined by UpdateAllowedCheatersInterval Note: it supports the HTTP protocol only (HTTPS is not supported). Undocumented by Wildcard." None,True,ChatLogFileSplitIntervalSeconds,"Default value: 86400 Value type: integer Controls how to split the chat log file related to time in seconds. Cannot be set to a value lower than 45 (will default to 45 if the value is lower). Set to 0 only in official. Undocumented by Wildcard." None,True,ChatLogFlushIntervalSeconds,"Default value: 86400 Value type: integer Controls in how many second the chat log is flushed to log file. Cannot be set to a value lower than 15 (will default to 15 if the value is lower). Set to 0 only in official. Undocumented by Wildcard." None,True,ChatLogMaxAgeInDays,"Default value: 5 Value type: integer Controls how many days the chat log is long. Set it to a negative value will result it to set at -1 (virtually infinite). Set to 0 only in official. Undocumented by Wildcard." None,True,DontRestoreBackup,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True and -DisableDupeLogDeletes is present, prevents the server to automatically restore a backup in case of corrupted save. Undocumented by Wildcard." None,True,EnableAFKKickPlayerCountPercent,"Default value: 0.0 Value type: float Enables the idle timeout to be applied only if the amount of online players reaches percentage value related to MaxPlayers argument. The percentage is expressed as normalised value between 0 and 1.0, where 1.0 means 100%. Official set it to 0.89999998. Undocumented by Wildcard." None,True,EnableMeshBitingProtection,"Default value: True Value type: boolean If False, disables mesh biting protection. Undocumented by Wildcard." None,True,FreezeReaperPregnancy,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, freezes the Reaper King pregnancy timer and experience gain. Undocumented by Wildcard." None,True,LogChatMessages,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, enables advanced chat logging. Chat logs will be saved in ShooterGame/Saved/Logs/ChatLogs// in json format. The log will contain informations like Disabled on official. The file will be split according to ChatLogFileSplitIntervalSeconds value and flushed every ChatLogFlushIntervalSeconds seconds value. Note: will be written without spaces. Undocumented by Wildcard." None,True,MaxStructuresInSmallRadius,"Default value: 0 Value type: integer Defines the amount of max structures allowed to be placed in a RadiusStructuresInSmallRadius from player position. Official set it to 40. Undocumented by Wildcard." None,True,MaxStructuresToProcess,"Default value: 0 Value type: integer Controls the max batch size of structures to process (e.g.: culling, building graphs modifications, etc) at each server tick. Leaving at 0 (default behaviour) will force the server to process all structures in queue. It's a trade-off between how much can cost a server tick (worst case scenario) and simulation accuracy. Official set it to 5000. Undocumented by Wildcard." None,True,PreventOutOfTribePinCodeUse,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, prevents out of tribe players to use pins on structures (doors, elevators, storage boxes, etc). Undocumented by Wildcard." None,True,RadiusStructuresInSmallRadius,"Default value: 0.0 Value type: float Defines the small radius dimension (in Unreal Units) used by MaxStructuresInSmallRadius. Official set it to 225.0. Undocumented by Wildcard." None,True,ServerEnableMeshChecking,"Default value: False Value type: boolean Involved in foliage repopulation. Takes no effect if -forcedisablemeshchecking is set. Enabled on official. Undocumented." None,True,TribeMergeAllowed,"Default value: True Value type: boolean If False, prevents tribe to merge. Undocumented by Wildcard." None,True,TribeMergeCooldown,"Default value: 0.0 Value type: float Tribe merge cool-down in seconds. Official uses 86400.0. Undocumented by Wildcard." None,True,UpdateAllowedCheatersInterval,"Default value: 600.0 Value type: float Times in seconds at which the remote admin list linked by AllowedCheatersURL is queried for updates. Any value less than 3.0 will be reverted to 3.0. Undocumented by Wildcard." None,True,UseExclusiveList,"Default value: False Value type: boolean If True, allows same behaviour as -exclusivejoin. Undocumented by Wildcard." True,True,[SessionSettings],"The following options must come under the [SessionSettings] section of GameUserSettings.ini." The following options must come under the [SessionSettings] section of GameUserSettings.ini. True,True,Port,"Default value: 7777 Value type: integer Specifies the UDP Game Port. See Dedicated server setup." None,True,QueryPort,"Default value: 27015 Value type: integer Specifies the UDP Steam Query Port. See Dedicated server setup" True,True,SessionName,"Default value: ARK #123456 Value type: string Specifies the Server name advertised in the Game Server Browser as well in Steam Server browser. If no name is provide, the default name will be ARK # followed by a random 6 digit number. Note: Name must not be typed between quotes unless it is launched from command line." None,True,[/Script/Engine.GameSession],"Not used on ASA, but ASADedicatedManager will automatically add this setting in the server launch command line: -WinLiveMaxPlayers The following options must be in the [/Script/Engine.GameSession] section of GameUserSettings.ini" False,True,MaxPlayers,"Default value: 70 Value type: integer Specifies the maximum number of players that can play on the server simultaneously.ASA: This setting is replaced with -WinLiveMaxPlayers in the command line options, as otherwise, it will force it back to the default value. ASADedicatedManager will automatically add this setting in the server launch command line: -WinLiveMaxPlayers x" None,True,[Ragnarok],"Only used on the Ragnarok map. The following options must come under the [Ragnarok] section of GameUserSettings.ini" None,True,AllowMultipleTamedUnicorns,"Default value: False Value type: boolean False = one unicorn on the map at a time, True = one wild and unlimited tamed Unicorns on the map." None,True,EnableVolcano,"Default value: True Value type: boolean False = disabled (the volcano will not become active), True = enabled" None,True,UnicornSpawnInterval,"Default value: 24 Value type: integer How long in hours the game should wait before spawning a new Unicorn if the wild one is killed (or tamed, if AllowMultipleTamedUnicorns is enabled). This value sets the minimum amount of time (in hours), and the maximum is equal to 2x this value." None,True,VolcanoIntensity,"Default value: 1 Value type: float The lower the value, the more intense the volcano's eruption will be. Recommended to leave at 1. The minimum value is 0.25, and for multiplayer games, it should not go below 0.5. Very high numbers will basically disable the flaming rocks flung out of the volcano." None,True,VolcanoInterval,"Default value: 0 Value type: integer 0 = 5000 (min) - 15000 (max) seconds between instances of the volcano becoming active. Any number above 0 acts as a multiplier, with a minimum value of .1" None,True,Duration,"Default value: 20 Value type: integer Specifies in seconds the duration of the displayed message on player log-in." True,True,Message,"Default value: N/A Value type: string A single line string for a message displayed to played once logged-in. No quotes needed. Use \n to start a new line in the message."