Install server Reinstall Steam CMD Start server Stop server Kill server Save the game Reset server configuration Delete game save Update ARK server Verify Use External Ip Use local IP Allows the server to accept specified platforms.Options are PC for Steam, ALL for crossplay between PC and all consoles. Set CPU Process Priority for Dedicated server Windows shares processor resources between all running processes based upon their priority level.If a process (Dedicated server) has a higher priority level,it gets more processor resources for better performance compared to a process having lower priority. Default value: 35. Enables an out of memory protection for servers.In the event that a server reaches an excessive amount of memory, the world will be forced saved and the server will be restarted to prevent crashes or rollbacks.Replace <value> with the wanted amount in gigabytes. Setting it to 0 disables. Forces the use of performance threads. Undocumented by Wildcard. Disables multithreading. Undocumented by Wildcard. Disables performance threads. Undocumented by Wildcard. Disables sounds to improve performances. Undocumented by Wildcard. Overrides the server output language. If set in serverit doesn't override clients' language. Run server without BattleEye. Will turn off the anti-meshing system entirely. Will turn off the anti-meshing player kills (but still allow teleporting). Option is necessary for those who use remote DDoS protection -ServerIP=use the public IP -MULTIHOME use Internal IP use of VPN for remote DDoS protection. Automatically adds the Public IP when starting the program,this allows you to manage cases where the IP is not static. Enables multihoming. Multihome is for when you are running a cluster of serversfrom one IP address (using different ports). Allow RCON to connect to the Multihome IP selected here.Not necessary if the IP is the same as selected below IP address of the dedicated server for RCON allows the Manager to stop the server and many other interactionsmake sure that its port is also correct in the GameUserSettings and different for each server/profiles. Activate the cluster. Specifies cross-server storage location for Cross-ARK Data Transfer. Requires clusterid. Prevents ARK Data usage between single player and servers who do not have a cluster ID.Even with a cluster id set, it is suggested to keep this option to completely disable code path allowing it. Generate ClusterId Custom Cluster Path Enable Cluster Enable Cluster Custom Path This will disable adding AI controller to creatures. Undocumented by Wildcard. Prevents wild creatures from being spawned.Note: wild creatures that were on the server before adding this argument will not get automatically destroyed. Prevents wild creatures from being spawned, except for forced spawns.Note: wild creatures that were on the server before adding this argument will not get automatically destroyed. Prevents wild creatures from being spawned, except for streaming spawns.Note: wild creatures that were on the server before adding this argument will not get automatically destroyed. Prevents wild creatures from being spawned, except for manual spawns.Note: wild creatures that were on the server before adding this argument will not get automatically destroyed. Undocumented by Wildcard. Prevents wild creatures from being spawned, except for water spawns.Note: wild creatures that were on the server before adding this argument will not get automatically destroyed. Launch with this command to destroy all wild creatures on server start-up.Note: this will only destroy wild creatures that are not currently tamed. Disables spawning of wild babies. Force flyer creatures to be allowed into caves(Flyers able to go into caves by default on custom maps). Disables creature's network replication range optimization. Detailed explanation:On dedicated servers the network replication range is scaled dynamically based on the amount of connected players.This optimization can be disabled for more consistency at the cost of performance. Should prevent creatures from ghosting through meshes/structures on re-render.Undocumented by Wildcard. Disables optimization to dynamically not tick idle/inactivecreature animations on the dedicated server based on server frame rate.Note: side-effects can include inaccurate collisions for idle creatures. Disables the Custom Cosmetic system (allowing players to use and display special mods that should only be skinsand will be downloaded automatically by the connected clients). Enable server admin logs (including support in the RCON). Use RCON command getgamelog to print 100 entries at a time.Also, outputs to dated file in \Logs, adjust max length of the RCON buffer with the option RCONServerGameLogBuffer=600. Include tribe logs in the normal server game logs. Note that this is required to get the logs from RCON. Additionally,it will display them in the application's console. Include tribe logs in the normal server game logs. Note that this is required to get the logs from RCON. Additionally,it will display them in the application's console. Enables auto destruction of old structures. Timer can be adjusted with option AutoDestroyOldStructuresMultiplierin GameUserSettings.ini under [ServerSettings] section. Used to disable character tracking. Undocumented by Wildcard. It should avoid players to accumulate too much movements data per server tick.Enabled on official clusters. Undocumented by Wildcard. If enabled, keeps Unreal Engine actors AI controllers in memory when actors go in stasis,favoring performance but increasing memory usage on large maps. Activate a whitelist only mode on the server,using PlayersExclusiveJoinList.txt and PlayersJoinNoCheckList.txt for player allowances. If a duped item is detected in an inventory,this will be ignored and not removed. Does not disable duped items checks. Undocumented by Wildcard. Warning: The server will undergo a scheduled shutdown in {0} minute(s). Please log out safely to avoid any data loss. Thank you for your cooperation. Command Line Server Management Backup Map Management Search Mods Mod Management API Management Custom Override Crafting Cost Item Stack Size Basic Schedule: Loop Restart Every X Hours -> Schedule a server restart Advanced Schedule: Server Shutdown, Update, and Startup -> Send RCON message Shutdown server at: Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Update server from steam after shutdown Start server after shutdown Auto schedule logs Installation or update logs Add options to launch command line (?xxx?xxx -xxx) or (?xxx) or ( -xxx) Backup interval: - Before restoring if you have several maps do not forget to select the correct map (Map Folder) Select Backup to restore: Backup interval, please note:- Restart the task if you change the interval.- The AutoSavePeriodMinutes Variable of the file GameUserSettings.ini will be modified -2 minutes from the interval selected here Backup files to keep: Manual backup Start backup task Stop backup task Restore selected backup Delete selected backup Refresh backup file list Open backup folder Clear logs Backup logs Max 450 characters. Only Lowercase letters (a-z), Uppercase letters (A-Z), Numbers (0-9), Special characters listed: ? @ ! % $ . , / \ : < > * - + [ ] { } ' " | & Personal message Search variable Language: Toggle expanders Save Gus.ini Add custom mod settings Reload Gus.ini Remove read-only Open ini folder Save Game.ini Reload Game.ini Beware! Only use this red box if you use command line: ?AltSaveDirectoryName=MyCustomMap. For: Select Custom Map Path use: ShooterGame\Saved\MyCustomMap (Limited to 1 folder) Use Custom map folder and Add in command line: ?AltSaveDirectoryName= Create map folder example: Svartalfheim Create map file example: Svartalfheim__WP.ark After adding a custom map here do not forget to add the mod in the Mod Management tab this will download the map and keep it up to date Select Custom Map Path Remove Custom Map Path Add map Open map folder Delete selected map Allows to specify a custom directory for server world-save.Usually used to manage clusters. ARK: Survival Ascended: Note that it still uses the savedir_name/map_name directory structure. Add Mod Back Next Home Click on a mod and then on the Add mod button that's all folks. If you add a map don't forget to create it in the Map Management tab Copy Mod List Move up Move down Delete mod Add mod manually You can add a mod list manually like this:ModName,ModID;ModName,ModID ...Gigantoraptor,975282;Super Spyglass Plus,929420 Use API for Start Server Show API console and hide server console Install or Update API Uninstall API For Now, Unzip the contents of the .ZIP file into ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64\ArkApi\Plugins. You may now edit the .JSON files located inside the plugin folder you just installed, or you may now start the server. Find a plugin you want to download inside the website's resources section: 1 Add New Override Item 2 Add New Crafting Cost Entry 3 Save to Game.ini 1 Add New Item 2 Save to Game.ini Overrides items crafting resource requirements. See Item related section for more details: Add a new override item, click on its name to be able to add an add new crafting cost entryadd as many crafting cost entries as desired and save. If you have already learned engrams use a You cannot edit a saved object, delete it and add it again if necessary Allows manually overriding item stack size on a per-item basis. See Item related section for more details: Add a New Override Item and save You cannot edit a saved object, delete it and add it again if necessary Map Folder: Map File: Server Path: Update status not checked Unable to retrieve server version. Server update required Server is up to date appmanifest not found HTTP request error Error Backup task status: Unknown Backup task status: Started Backup task status: Stopped Next backup in: Next backup in: 00:00:00 Player connected Connected players: {0} / {1} Server uptime Server uptime:{0}{1}d {2}h {3}m {4}s Memory Used Server memory in use: {0} MB ({1:F2}%) Error in fetching memory usage. Server PID Server PID: {0} Server Version Server Version: {0} Custom map folder enabled